Is RhythmBee Effective?

Katie Codina - Band Director - Holy Cross Middle School - New Orleans, La

I started using rhythm bee this year and it has changed my teaching life!  My bands always did well at festival... But this year we got a superior PLUS in sightreading and our first state festival sweepstakes!!! I use the exercises to teach four bar phrasing, holding out notes to the start of the next beat/note, and crescendo as notes go up/descrendo as notes go down. It's been INCREDIBLE the difference in our playing.  Including MUSICAL sightreading at state festival (which was in 3/4 time with at least 4 voicing and I thought my 7th graders were doomed).  

I tell anyone who will listen about this program.  I've given a few clinics throughout the years about smart music and technology because my school is a leader in technology... And well, I hope you don't mind, I've been showing anyone who will see it the Rhythm Bee.

I owe a big part of my success this year to your program.  THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Dan Green, Director of Fine Arts - Forney ISD, Forney, Tx

RhythmBee is a music software program that we use in our school district in grades K-12 with our elementary music students as well as our band and choir students. It is not only a challenging program that promotes a consistent approach to counting but is very enjoyable for the students. We feel that in our school district, RhythmBee has established a proven, consistent approach to counting that we can begin at a very young age and carry through to our middle and high school students. I would eagerly recommend this very innovative and creative approach for teaching students to count rhythms.

Scott Reeves, Strohman MS Band, Victoria, Tx

This was my first year to try RhythmBee.  I had actually not heard of it before a new colleague mentioned it.  I decided to give it a try and I'm so glad I did!  It was VERY easy to get my 6th grade beginning band students started on RhythmBee - we just dove in head first!

The "Little Green Guy" quickly became a favorite part of every class period.  I didn't realize until a couple of months later that one of the unexpected benefits of RhythmBee is a greatly increased ability to concentrate.  I have NEVER seen 6th graders who are able to concentrate so well as these RhythmBee students.  As the lessons progressed, I became ever more amazed at how my beginners were learning to count in various time signatures (even 6/8!!), syncopated patterns, triplets, and yes even two groups counting eighth notes and triplets AGAINST each other! 

RhythmBee is absolutely amazing!  We use it EVERY DAY, and I will NEVER teach band without it again! 

Bryan Cheney, Houston Middle School Band, Hobbs, NM

I never DREAMED I’d have 6th graders (or 7th or 8th graders) count and understand subdivision of beat this well. The kids can carry independent lines much earlier and more confidently than ever before. They love showing off how well they can count rhythms.  It’s SUCH a rehearsal time saver to say something like, “start on the ‘te’ of 3 and play until count 1,” and actually have the kids comprehend and execute the instruction. I had always envisioned something like this for teaching rhythm, but you made it a reality, and THANK YOU!

Donna McDowell, Hart County Middle School - Hartwell, Georgia  - Hart County Middle School is in a rural area with very little opportunity for private lessons.  The school has 50+ percent eating free and reduced meals.

I began using RhythmBee at the beginning of the year (2012-13) with my 8th graders to test it out and learn the program better.  Knowing that rhythmic errors (especially rests) are the most common mistakes in sight reading, I hoped RhythmBee would help us.  We used it 2-3 times a week for 5-10 minutes (I see my students every other day.)  At the beginning it was difficult to get used to no metronome but I persisted and demanded they keep the pulse (with their foot, preferably).  They got accustomed to it.  We used it until we began preparing for Christmas Concerts and LGPE (Georgia Performance Evaluation).  We have not used it the spring semester due to performance preparation.  It is an excellent tool!  My numbers at the district level (All-district band) went up 50% from last year.  I plan to use it with all grades next year.  I think it along with smart music is a great investment for any music program.

Larry Harris - Retired band director from Oklahoma and Texas.  Larry now volunteers his time in assisting long time friend Jeff Doughten with the Palo Duro High School Band Program in Amarillo, Tx.

Outstanding program...for teaching students about rhythm where everyone participates at the same time or privately! An overall excellent and exciting way to teach music!!!!

Steve Nendza - Middle School Band Director - Oak Forest Illinois

RhythmBee really helps with the 16th note concept.  Even one of my students who reads at the 1st grade level can keep up with the rhythms and he is in the 6th grade.  

Another RhythmBee success story. I have a beginning band trombone player who I have not been able to help him stay focused during any of our lesson. Finally I have a student teacher so I can give the boy some one-on-one time. I've been at my wits end getting him to focus on the notes on the page. I gave RhythmBee a try with him and things started to make sense. He was able to keep his eyes on the screen and actually play the correct notes. And even better, he corrected his own note and rhythm errors. We even played some of the lines as duets and he didn't get lost!!! Hopefully with enough review and repetition he can transfer the skills to his band music. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Steve Nendza, Band Director - Hille, Foster & Kerkstra School, Oak Forest Illinois

Margaret Haddad - HS Choir Director - Retired - El Paso, Tx

Mrs. Haddad used RhythmBee Melody Edition, our solfeggio training program.

Your software did wonders for my students.  We raised our sight reading ability drastically and  were very successful this past year at UIL. 

During one class period last year I asked the students if they thought the RhythmBee sightreading material was helpful. One rather brash young lady said she thought it was too easy because it gave the solfege and the letter names so they didn't have to think. Easy! I just hid the prompts and suddenly it was not so easy any more. (Editorial comment:  A hide the prompts button is included in the program.)  She was one who hated sightreading and I couldn't get her to work on it for Area auditions. By the end of the fall, she had improved at least 3 times over and placed very high in the auditons.

I always had several boys who had never been in choir before and were far behind the girls in sightreading. This was a godsend for those boys.

Margaret Haddad, HS Choir Director - Retired, El Paso, Tx

Arnold Garza, Alice HS Band - Alice, Tx

In the years past, we’ve used a metronome and a counting system to teach our beginners time and rhythm. As expected, some would get it...others wouldn’t. Well, we used RhythmBee with them and within a month, we noticed a HUGE difference in their sense of time and awareness. The visual aspect of it makes it simple for everyone to understand and the retention percentage is greater because of the repetitiveness of each item presented. And yes...they’re able to transfer this to their reading! I highly recommend.

Arnold Garza, Director of Music Activities, Alice HS Head Director

Josh Boyd - Bowie Jr Hi Band, Odessa, Tx

Do not underestimate the dramatic effects that the Rhythm Bee system will have on your ensemble!  Every student DOES get it!!  Combined with the great customer service and customizable lessons for your unique needs, this is an indispensable tool.

Josh Boyd, Band Director, Bowie JH, Odessa, TX

Heather Brannock - Harpool Middle School, Denton, Tx

I do love the program.  Our private teachers have noticed the difference and thank us for using it!! 

Heather Brannock, Assistant Director, Harpool Middle School Band, Denton, Tx

Jason Brents, Coppell Middle School East

This was my first year to use RhythmBee in my classroom and I was very pleased with the results.  RhythmBee is great for introducing rhythm, creating a sense of inner pulse in your students, and introducing technology into the band hall. It is also very easy to use.  This is a great program that really helped to create rhythmic security in my band program.  I give RhythmBee high marks!

Jason Brents, Coppell Middle School East

Roger Myers - former Director of Bands, Pampa High School

Pampa used RhythmBee with our junior high bands and beginners. Our beginners locked in on rhythmic reading so much faster than in past years. There was a noticeable improvement in reading skills due to internalization of the beat. The students developed a stronger internal beat, better rhythmic reading, and learned to follow the conductor. Combining homogeneous beginning band classes into one large ensemble was the easiest I have experienced.

Thank you for a wonderful product,

Roger Z. Myers, Band Director, Pampa High School

Austin Billett, Mackenzie MS, Lubbock, Tx

Rhythm Bee has greatly improved rhythmic understanding in my band program.  My beginning band students find the lessons fun and involving.  They learn how to understand and count each rhythm easily and are able to apply it to their music reading well.   I get more aggressive class participation on this than any other rhythm study I’ve used.  My beginning band students who started off with this program have much better and faster rhythm reading skills than those in my full band ensembles.

Austin Billett, Mackenzie Middle School Band, Lubbock TX

Jason Matherly, Tom Bean ISD

I have absolutely loved having RhythmBee this year.  This was our first year using it, and the results were better than I could have ever imagined.  The students locked on to counting and figuring out rhythms quicker than I’ve ever had students do in the past.  More importantly the students enjoyed counting with the RhythmBee.  I would recommend RhythmBee to anyone and everyone who wants their students to count better and enjoy it at the same time!

Jason Matherly, Tom Bean ISD

Samantha Jones, Seagraves Junior High School

I just restarted the RhythmBee program with my 6th graders - we took a brief hiatus for our Christmas program - and it is amazing how much they remembered and how well they did.

I think seeing everything on the screen really helped with retention. I'm loving this-it's great with all my kids in junior high!  Thanks.

Samantha Jones, Band Director, Seagraves, Tx Junior High School

Jackie Akin, Dallas ISD Middle School Band Director

Our beginning band classes used the program up through Unit 19. Each day I witness the improved reading ability of my beginner woodwinds. One major improvement is the ability to hold out the longer note values. The students read without hesitation. Because of this, they read while producing good characteristic tone qualities.

Jackie Akin, Assistant Band Director, Cary Middle School, Dallas Independent School District

Phil Phyillaier, Highland Park High School (Amarillo, Tx)

Spring 2008
"This program really accelerated the reading ability of all our groups.  It raised the HS band from a below average reading ability to above average this year.  I cannot complain about straight I’s in sight reading.  Thanks for developing an outstanding program.  It works!"

Fall 2007
"When I took the job at Highland Park HS in Amarillo, I discovered that the students had not been trained in rhythmical counting and playing. RhythmBee has been a valuable aid for structured rhythmic accountability in my students. This is a daily exercise, and the students, grades 6-12, have bought into the program. I am still emphasizing the counting to playing relationship, and the students have advanced at least one level in sightreading so far. I am very pleased with RhythmBee and will continue to use it in the future."

Phil Phyillaier, Director of Bands, Highland Park High School, Amarillo, Texas

Kathryn Clardy - General Music

What a great tool Rhythmbee is for teaching so many music skills at the elementary level!  My classes benefit from the repetition and consistency.  Rhythmbee sure helps make lesson planning easier, too. 

Kathryn Clardy, Third - Fifth Grade Music Teacher

Greg Bulls - Lubbock, Texas

My students readily accepted reading RhythmBee exercises as the first activity of every class.  The students immediately challenged themselves to read the exercises at a quicker tempo than they normally could play them.  My second year students particularly enjoy reading the duets, trios, and quartets like it was a "competition." I particularly like the "silent" metronome in that it requires the students to develop an inner sense of beat.  In just a couple of weeks, I began seeing an improvement in their counting and playing skills.  I wish I had heard of RhythmBee sooner!

I recommend RhythmBee to any music director/teacher with elementary or secondary students.

Greg Bulls, Ph.D., Director of Bands, Cavazos Middle School, Lubbock (Tx) Independent Schools

A Texas High School Band Director

"Thanks for developing such a wonderful program. I am really enjoying using it to teach the students at the high school how to count and not only am I teaching, I’m learning new things and gaining a better understanding of counting myself.

Thanks a lot."

Dr. Gary Garner, Director Emeritus - West Texas A&M University

"RhythmBee is a major step forward in teaching students how to count accurately.

Even better, they actually get to have fun while learning.  I recommend it wholeheartedly."

Dr. Larry Archambo, Midwestern State University

"I am very impressed with the quality and presentation of the materials in the RhythmBee program.  We introduce the program to all of our music education students in the hopes they will incorporate it into their teaching after they graduate.  We feel so strongly about the strengths of RhythmBee that we have hosted RhythmBee workshops for area teachers and directors.

RhythmBee keeps students on task and interested in learning to count.  It gives the teacher great control over the pace of teaching/learning.

I highly recommend the RhythmBee program."

Karen Nalley, Belton, Tx

"Using RhythmBee has made rhythm counting top notch in our band program!

The beginning lessons that coordinate the foot pat and verbal counting make a great foundation for beginning band students. That foundation is "priceless" as the rhythms become more advanced for intermediate to advanced players!"

Karen Thomas, Rockwall High School Choir

"In the choir program at Rockwall High School we have students at reading skill levels from beginning to advanced and they all love RhythmBee!  We use this program at the beginning of class every day and not only do my students all participate but they also look forward to seeing what the next lesson is.

As Rockwall Yellowjackets the students often jokingly ask me if RhythmBee will become RhythmHornet at the advanced level.

I just wish there were a program like this for solfege practice!"

 Editorial note:  We now have that solfeggio program.  We call it the Melody Edition.

Phil LaRocque, Lewisville, TX

"Wow-----FINALLY - I know that all my students are engaged and on task. Even if a student does not know how to count, they learn by hearing and observing. They are focused on exactly what everyone else is counting.

The bell ringer is a great tool to make sure everyone is in a chair ready to go. This is definitely a wining situation; better counters, administration loves the music technology, daily lessons ready to go, and
now my students enjoy counting.  I would be happy to discuss this great product."

Eric Gilley, Colleyville, Tx

"RhythmBee is out of this world! The program introduces rhythm in sequential units that are logical and engaging.  The students are learning rhythms while the program presents, and I can offer feedback to individual students.

The big plus is the RhythmBee commitment to customer satisfaction.  Dr. Green invented customer service!  If you dream it (rhythmically), he can make it.  What a great way to learn rhythm!!!!!"

Tom Tapscott, Clarksville Tennessee

"The program is so well thought-out and crafted to reinforce the concepts and the length of each unit is perfect! RhythmBee will definitely make a difference for my students. Even the "timer" at the beginning of the units captures the students' attention!"

Jason Wallace, Rockwall ISD

"Because of scheduling, we found we used the program more in one beginner class than another. What a difference we found when it came time to combine them together into a band!

This program helps kids become confident rhythmic readers and performers in an active, visual way.

It is a great investment and a wonderful way to integrate technology into our curriculum."

Scott Myers, Former Director of Bands at Dumas High School (Texas)

"I was initially skeptical about how well this would work with high school aged students, but they took to it with a minimum of grumbling.

I'm simply knocked out by how well this program works! We use Rhythm Bee with our junior high and high school students and both groups really have a ball with it.

Now we've started summer band and I'm very pleased with how much more rhythmically secure my students are after only one year. This is a terrific product and very simple to use."


Marcia Zoffuto, Garland ISD (Texas)

 "I am thrilled with the results of RhythmBee in my band program. I can't wait to expand its usage in the years to come!"

Marcia Zoffuto, Director of Bands Emeritus, Coyle Middle School
Texas Middle School Honor Band - CC in 2003
Midwest Performance in 2003

Texas Middle School Honor Band - CCC in 2006

Jennifer Mendez, Texas A&M at Commerce

"RhythmBee speaks for itself!  It is the best rhythm program I have seen.  My 6th graders who started on this program read rhythms more accurately than my 7th and 8th graders.

You will be AMAZED!"

Sheng Tao, Garland ISD (Texas)

"I think one of the hardest things to grasp is rhythm, and many beginner books do not stress rhythmic skills enough. The RhythmBee exercises are a wonderful supplemental resource. Every kid in our program can do it, and it helps their self-esteem when they get to the end of the exercise and they know they were successful."